The saying “patience is a virtue” seems appropriate for the owners of two OTI owned horses after both were able to get their first Australian wins on the board today.

Pankhurst who arrived from NZ almost twelve months to the day has been plagued on and off with a common young horse issue being shin soreness.  Having had two previous preparations all owners had been happy to give her the time needed and she rewarded them for such, breaking her maiden by three lengths in the 1400m maiden plate at Casterton.

Meanwhile on the same day in Geelong Seawhatyouthink an import from France took his place in the 1700m benchmark 64 after 112 weeks on the side lines !!! Showing talent in France with a win and two fourths but succumbing to a tendon injury, he was sent to Australia to complete his rehabilitation with us under the guidance of vet Dr Andrew Cust from the Ballarat Veterinary Practice.  The result of this work was rewarded with a win in his first ever Australian start in what was first thought may have been a bit short of his ideal distance. 

Congratulations to both groups of owners who can finally reap the rewards of their patience. Both horses look progressive types who we hope will continue on their winning way through the grades. 

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